Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Murphy Curse

For centuries, the universe has been perversely controlled by a scientific theory that dictates everyday function and routine.  This theory, or law rather, has solved many important worldly mysteries from the extinction of the dinosaurs to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Any attempt at repudiating this rationale has only resulted in regret. Eventually all doubters are inevitably resigned to accept this absolute reality.

No, it's not based on the formulas of Pythagoras or Pascal, and you don't need to be Descartes to understand the philosophy. Its discovery did not take centuries and we can assume that even cavemen recognized the validity. Is it obvious yet?

As the new official spokesperson and face of Murphy's Law, I'd like to take a moment to remind the world of its pervasive presence in all of our lives.

Went to MX over Thanksgiving!! The day it rained...the internet stopped working. #Murphy
Be assured, I am well qualified for this achievement and have been exacerbated many times by the irrevocable destiny of Murphy's Law.

In fact, Monday...I decided to bike to work in 20 degree weather and 14 mph wind.  Not bad, I thought on my way to work. I had already anticipated the freezing of my phalanges...and, nothing else worse happened - take that cavemen. However, Monday was not easily dealt with, as is typical for all, Mondays, days with deadlines, or Donald Trump candidacies. Leaving work on time presented no easy challenge.  Let's just say it was well past dinner ... but maybe before 9 when I finally left.  Still, that's okay. I had at least conquered the deadline!! And there is always a feeling of euphoria that comes with accomplishment! (Even Pascal would fist bump). 

Although it was late, I still didn't completely regret choosing a not so convenient and cold day to bike. I even remembered my headlamp.  BUT, the scene was was late, cold, windy...and although I survived the minor hiccups of the day, the calculating adventures of Murphy's Law were just about perfect.  About 4 miles from work (of a 9.8 mile ride) I felt a flat. Yes. That was definitely the worst news of the day...but, I've learned a thing or two from previous encounters with Murphy's law and pulled out my hand pump...just, uhhh, no spare tube. Oh...

Although I also had a patch...let's be real...I only would use that if someone stopped and offered to help. (even in summer) 

Regardless, I really did not want to attempt changing a flat at 9:30 pm on the coldest and windiest night of the year. Who does that?

Confession: I decided it was just a cold weather fluke and instead of fixing my flat I could just magically pump it up and everything would be fine for the 2nd half of my journey home.  Cause that's totally the way life works. I managed to use my freezing fingers to pump my tire up and was soon pedalling once more... 1 more mile (almost)...because let's be was a flat.

I'll admit, I actually had the thought...I should probably call my roommates to pick me up...But,  I struggle with being obnoxiously independent...and I did just bike another mile (almost...let's round up), I just pumped it up again....and again...and again...until beleaguered and a half mile away I decided I would just rather walk. 
I know some biker enthusiasts out there are probably aware at how ridiculous that sounds...BUT...I am slightly ridiculous. And so is my official sponsor: Murphy's Law!
(at least I own up to my crazy...unlike Trump...or Putin.)

Anyways, a few other episodes that epitomize my success at living up to my Namesake. 
1.  That time I showered and flooded my house the morning of a party I was hosting.
2. The trip that took 9 cancelled flights to return home.
3. Or when I noticed my passport was missing before an international flight
4. Or once when I left my muddy running shoes out to dry but the next morning I discovered the neighbor's dog also likes to run with running shoes...and only recovered one...
5. And also relevant to biking, that time when even my backup Headlamp stopped working on a night Mtn Bike Ride in Tahoe. 

Anyways, Murphys are great - even despite our sometimes bad luck!!  

...or our sometimes instinctively bad choices...

"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." ~Hanlon