Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!!

I am taking a brief respite of posts about Taiwan to share why this day is so meaningful to me. I am not a mother nor is my mother alive, but that does not stop me to appreciate all the great things that mothers do in this world and to give thanks for the inspiring surrogate mothers that taught me the basics of life: from the importance of deodorant to putting on makeup in 5 minutes and especially to have confidence in who I am. These women have taught me to serve, to teach, to have fun and to appreciate the calling of a woman!

First, the real surrogate: Grandma Thompson This woman is a rock. She rarely changes her mind and it’s usually because she’s right; she is loaded with experience. She was born in 1930 and worked harder than her 2 brothers on the family farm. And she had to work hard, she learned to walk and to run during the onset of the great depression. This wonderful woman later had 10 kids. Now, do you think she worked hard? But, if birthing 10 babies isn’t enough for society, she also was quite successful at her job which rewarded her with trips to exotic places such as Jerusalem and Hawaii. envious? And, just when she thought she could finally relax and move to the peaceful state of retirement away from the crazy wintery-ness of the north - she was asked to be the guardian for 3 more crazy children all less than 5 years of age.

I think the curtains say it all.
She tells me she has no regrets and for that I am thankful. She found other part-time jobs and ‘til this day she still volunteers regularly and can be found picking strawberries for a local farm or at a thrift store to support the disabled. She will be 84 this year. This dear mother, has been mothering for over 60 years. She isn’t perfect, but what mother is. She has taught me to value hard work, not give up, and to courageously accept the trials in my life. Like any good mother she has believed in me and supported me at all my concerts, competitions, and even helped me move 4 times (in her 70s and 80s - she’s seriously superwoman). She patiently listened to me figure out the piano and endured the squeaky years of the clarinet. She bravely watched on as I twirled fire batons and took my first solo international trip to Europe (I was 17). She kind of figured out the computer, at least enough to send me e-mails during my 18-month mission in Ukraine; and although they are short and simple, she reminds me that life is short and it’s the simple things that give us joy. Her faith is solid and her prayers are usually answered miraculously! I am thankful for all that she sacrificed to be a mom!

Second, The grandma who taught/is teaching me to enjoy life: Grandma Murphy This woman has some great stories from pretending she was adept at skiing on her first date with grandpa (she had him convinced! and it coincidentally was her first time to ski), to snowmobiling through the parks of Minnesota. She has been young in heart since I can remember visiting cabins in the summer, learning to fish off the pontoons, and riding with her on jet-skis until I was finally old enough to go myself! She also came from a generation where working hard in any profession was an achievement, from nursing to climbing the ladder at one of the Twin Cities most prestigious news papers, in my eyes she has achieved success professionally and as a mother. In fact, she didn’t start her maternity leave from work when she was pregnant with my father until the day she went into labor. I’m sure that was comfortable. How many other times do mothers sacrifice their own comforts for their children?? (Because the stretchmarks from 9 months of a baby growing inside of you really isn’t a big deal not to mention the other puzzle of getting it out). Although I only spent a few weeks every year with her, we always had fun!! From checking out the newest movie with Leonardo DiCaprio, to shopping trips, to swimming on the beach. Even now she shows interest in my interests which (excluding Leonardo DiCaprio) have evolved as I have discovered myself. AND what great grandma takes their great granddaughter out on the jetski? This one!

She still has the spirit of adventure as she’s zip-lined over rainforests in Mexico and gets out on the snowmobile after the yards of snow from a Polar Vortex! I won’t tell you her age, because it’s just a number she certainly doesn’t look or act! She has taught me to live life without regrets!! And I have learned from her that making memories is more important than making money. I’ve realized I’m a lot more like her than I realized! Well, I can’t ski (yet). She’s been a great support and encourages me as well as her other grandchildren! She also has inspired me as she served her husband who battled cancer for over 6 years. She suffered with him, and labored with love to provide him the comfort and nourishment he needed. When he passed last year, she has courageously found strength to keep finding joy in life and share it with those around her.

Third, my step mom, Jackie!! She is a fun, inspiring, hard-working, and super strong woman!  Seriously, she's probably superwoman.  I have learned so much from her over the years and I am so thankful for her friendship & support!  She has been a wonderful wife to my father and a great example to his 3 kids!  And pretty sure no one would believe me when I tell you about the adventures she has done.  She's brave, hardcore, and totally classy!

I am thankful that she has shared her spirit of adventure with me and has even brought me along on a couple! ...And was always there to make sure I was prepared for whatever challenges were ahead.  I love her cooking and as a woman, she definitely showed me that there were no limitations as she has completed challenging races up mountains.  Did I tell you she was hardcore?  She's stronger than any man I know.  An engineer by trade should tell you how smart she is.  And, she is also loads of fun.


Finally, my best friend, my anchor, and the woman who has been there for me since even before our DNA formed together in the womb: my twin sister. Some people who know us might wonder if we are friends at all; they know that we can drive each other crazy. But, in reality my sister is the window to my soul. I rely on her when I have doubts, when I lack confidence, when I’m struggling to figure out my life (that’s pretty much always) and she selflessly listens and encourages me. I can helplessly dump my burdens at her feet when she is struggling to sift through her own and she carefully sorts through them with me and gives me the strength to carry on. I’ve seen her become a mother and experience the joy, the exhaustion, the surprise, the frustration, the pain, and the recognition that she is doing something greater than herself. She inspires me as she has sacrificed EVERYTHING for her children; her career in order to stay at home to teach Evelyn to write, read, and even play piano, her interests for those of children’s books, glittery crafts (that usually end with more glitter dumped on the floor than on the project), and the dreaded barbie movie she’s probably seen 297 trillion times, and her body as she has endured two pregnancies and births without anesthetics, nursed two tricky babies with lip-ties making it painful and tedious, and all the exhaustion that comes with raising, entertaining, feeding, and loving two children. She has sacrificed her life in order to teach her children that they are loved, that they have a purpose, and that they are special. I know she feels inadequate, I know she feels imperfect and I know she struggles to see the fruit of her efforts, but she inspires me and I am humbled and speechless at the mission she is fulfilling. There are really no words to describe my admiration for her. I would have fallen apart without my sister.

Yes, I am sleeping on her butt.
And yes, we are both too lazy to take off our glasses.
(In my defense, I was in denial that I would actually fall asleep. 
But, when you have a butt as a pillow...)
that’s her husband on the left…
who is really the 3rd wheel?

She has planned a wedding, discovered the mysteries of pregnancy and child bearing, and has fought through the challenges of life independently without a mother to guide her. She has overcome so much and has taught me the power of endurance and strength. Although she has struggled with physical problems since birth, she is one of the strongest woman I know. I am so grateful we kind of look a like and have the same DNA. Being a twin is a blessing from God.

we went through a phase...
Fourth, the many women who taught me, encouraged me, motivated me, and led me: my church leaders, teachers, family, and friends! I lost my mom when I was 11. So, this day should suck. And sometimes it does; that feeling of longing or what ifs is always imminent. BUT, I have been super blessed with wonderful women and surrogate mother’s in my life that make me grateful. These were women who loved and cared, because it was their tendency regardless if I was family or not. The many mothers I have met surely feel that they fall short from day to day, but I hope you know that your contributions are valued and important and essential to the progress of society. I admire every mother! Although I only had my mother for 11 years of my life I learned from her that you do not have to be a perfect mother to be cherished by your children. There will be bumps in the road. But, mothers are Saints. Mothers are angels. I’m still learning lessons from my mother as I strive to live a life that would make her proud. I am thankful that I know she loves me and I am even more thankful for the hope that I’ll see her again. Mothers are eternal!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!

One of my favorite messages to mothers: “Because, She is a Mother” - Elder Holland

(I encourage you to read the entire transcript!)

and if you really want to be inspired:


Okay, I do have to mention how we celebrated it here in Taiwan!!
Here are some of the projects I did with the kids: I took their pictures for a flowery Mother's Day Card!

He just happens to be a twin. 
And them made cards, crafts, and crazies
and glued their pictures inside!
These kids are 4 & 5 and writing! They obviously have great mothers!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


So, I should probably stop letting the adventures fly by without first attempting to chronicle the awesomeness. I’ll try to catch up, but just know that Taiwan is the place to go if you want to pretend you have the coolest life in the world.

For example, when I run in the mornings, or in the afternoons, or even for that matter when I’m just walking downtown, I feel like Rocky. (seriously, people want to take my picture. I can't decide if it's because I'm white, a girl, or I have a ridiculously large booger hanging out of my nose.)
(This was a legit 10k for church…please ignore the sweaty mess I am, it's pretty much normal.)

Picture Rocky II but in Taiwan (so no American flags…and me with a whole lot less muscle. (Wow, flashbacks to high school…no, I’m not that old…but, what does every band play 200 trillion times during the 4th quarter of the football game, hello.)

People look up from their fields, onion chucking, porches, scooters whatever and yell, smile, and wave AND I feel like I could sucker punch Putin in the face. Literally, when I get back in the mornings the kids want to tackle me or hug me and I’m nasty and gross and drowning in sweat and really just need to shower. Isn’t that great about kids! I don’t have to shower, wear makeup, do my hair, and I could wear a rainbow outfit to class and THEY’D STILL THINK I WAS THE BEE’s KNEES!! (I still shower…sometimes)

Anyways, this super-star ego boost inspired an adventurous 3-day weekend in April to Taiwan’s Green island! And since every weekend in Taiwan has been magical, we decided to take a 3 am train south to catch a boat to explore Taiwan’s Green Island. At first, I thought it would be fun to go somewhere international, but our boss handled all the arrangements for us. So, in the end EASY won and although in my mind I had envisioned castaway (just w/o Tom Hanks - otherwise, I'd be all up for it!) I finally adopted the: “what’s the worst that could happen?” philosophy. And seriously, the odds weren’t terribly discouraging: We find a volleyball and I can finally swim well enough to do a triathlon. Bring it on, Castaway.

After a sleepless night, we arrived at the port at sunrise (3 am train and all) and made some new English-speaking friends who were also waiting on a boat! As people started to crowd in, our anticipation grew! I was surprised at how many foreigners there were. I realized I might have slightly underestimated this island as fellow English-Teachers enthusiastically praised the scenes we would soon be enjoying. But, first, we had to brave the barge.

Minutes before the barf barge.

And, I’ll just paraphrase the next part for the faint-hearted. No matter what that boat was Christened and how lovely it might have been, it is now and will forever be immortalized in my memory as the “barf barge.” I thought mornings were a descent time to travel on the ocean. WRONG. There might have been 3 out of at least 100 people who managed to not waste their breakfast that morning…if you know what I’m saying. Thankfully, it wasn’t stinky. AND, I have a new found respect for Magellan, Columbus, Darwin, American Pilgrims, penguins stuck on a floating/shrinking piece of ice caused by global warming, etc. We were only on the boat for like 50 minutes. Thankfully we found a great spot next to an experienced Buddhist native who had made the trip many times. (He was one of the 3.) He told us the trick was to stare at the horizon, but the WaVeS wErE sO cHoPpY and the BOat was SO boUNcy that it was nearly impossible. At first it was kind of humorous (maybe, I’m a little sadistic) to watch the people drop like flies or run to the bathroom. AND THEN, I. WANTED. TO. DIE. I almost jumped into the port when our boat stopped I was so ready to get on land again.

But then I beheld what they meant by Green Island or as I’d like to state in my most favorite colored cliche ever: The Emerald Isle! (Please say with as much fanfare mixed with mystery, and your arms must do the flare thing) My amazement increased exponentially and I was completely recovered by the time we met this adorable guy, our bed and breakfast host. Although he might have really been looking for any Laura, we took our chances and followed him, anyway.

Any Laura - Follow Me!

And the other Lauras missed out, because he was the real deal. He found us electric bikes, the most adorable scuba diving instructor, and even introduced us to the local pet reindeer. Oh, and then there was the time when he actually found us when our electric bikes stopped working (2x).

How about we turn this into an electric bike!

Let's just share our breakfast with the reindeer.

SO, we went right into exploration mode. Basically Green Island is the Australia of Taiwan just without kangaroos and 200 trillion times smaller. It was where the Taiwanese exiles were sent. You could probably bike (electric, unless you’re Lance Armstrong and taking steroids…it’s mountainous) around the island in 2 hours unless you are ADD like us and have to stop at every tree that’s green or every rock that kind of looks like it’s made of stone, or whenever the waves wave…

It was pretty much my dream vacation - a tropical island, hot springs, hiking, biking (don't be fooled, an electric bike battery doesn't last forever…), meeting people from all over the world, and great food! We discovered waterfalls, lagoons, and baby mountain goats!! (Do yourself a favor and watch Buttermilk the goat on youtube right now) Oh, and we went snorkeling! The reefs were stunningly beautiful and the fish were wild!

Any friends that are secretly con-artists? Can you possibly include me on your next gig? I would seriously rob a bank to get sent here. Or Australia…

So, yes there was a natural hot springs, caves (so naturally, spelunking happened), and we hiked up beautiful waterfalls only to discover even more enchanting hidden waterfalls! And just about every where we went we made new friends from China, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Germany, the States, and EVEN UKRAINE (technically he was living in the Netherlands, but we totally spoke some Russian at dinner and freaked everyone out! Mostly because they feel like I do that PUTIN IS INSANE. I should have a blog dedicated to the idiocy of that man.)

Enjoy some pictures that inadequately capture the bliss to be found on this island.

Oh, I didn't mention this charming little light house.
Sleeping Beauty Rock! Hint: Her head is attached to the island.

SO, yeah. Rule # 3,782 to enjoy life: Live it Up!

There was still so much to do, but we had barge #2 to take back. We decided to stay on top of the boat and experience the fresh air. It was the middle of the afternoon, and it turned into a photo session with students on break and friends from other far away countries. AND NO ONE THREW UP!! I AM NOW MASTER OF THE SEA!

I still need to mention that time we turned a charter bus into a karaoke bus…and didn’t stop for 4 hours. Oh, and earthquakes - I’m so clueless.

But, let’s just all take a moment to relish in the pulchritude (P WORD OF THE MONTH!!) of the color GREEN!
Our sunrise adventure (and electric bike failure!)

World, Have a great week!